
We’re dedicated to providing services that don’t compromise on quality, guaranteeing excellent results.


We make use of environmentally friendly cleaning products and techniques, ensuring minimal harm to the environment.


We uphold the highest standards of safety for every job we attend to, protecting both workers and clients.

Domain Facility Services

Domain Facility Services is a leading choice when it comes to facility cleaning and maintenance services in Australia. Internationally accredited and boasting years of experience, we offer a wide range of services for clients across various areas, assisting with everything from carpet cleaning and f

About Us

How We Started

Domain Facility Services started as a proud family owned and operated company specialising in the delivery of a range of comprehensive services, including commercial cleaning, flood damage and building maintenance work.

Beginning our journey in 1992, with more than 24 years in the industry, Domain Facility Services has a proven track record in the provision of exceptional cleaning services to commercial, retail, educational and government clients.

Integrated Management Systems

We have robust methodologies and processes in place to ensure that our clients are provided with quality outcomes. We recognise that in order to ensure consistent high-quality cleaning services, it is vital that the resources we deploy are matched with preparation, planning and implementation.

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Our Happy Customers

What We Do

Domain Facility Services started as a proud family owned and operated company specialising in the delivery of a range of comprehensive services, including commercial cleaning, flood damage and building maintenance work.

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